When I was living in New York in the 90s I always liked Memorial Day Weekend. It marked the beginning of Summer of course. And if I was out at the beach I would make sure to visit one of the little war memorials that all the Long Island villages have, and pause in front of [Read more…]
Remembering on Memorial Day
Labour's Defence Opportunity (Demos Quarterly, April 2014)
The Coalition’s mishandling of Britain’s defences presents the opposition with a political opportunity, argues Jonathan Foreman. The Conservatives were once seen as the party especially supportive of defence priorities; this should no longer be the case. The Cameron Coalition’s apparent indifference to such priorities and its willingness to diminish the armed forces capabilities and capacity offer Labour [Read more…]
On 12 Years A Slave, the Oscars, Slavery in the Movies, Reparations and the Anglosphere
There is little question that “12 Years A Slave” which last week won the Best Picture Oscar, as well as Academy Awards for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress, is a well-made, powerful and important film that deserves the plaudits it has won. Since that triumph in LA, [Read more…]
A GI Bill for the UK (Demos Quarterly January 2014)
The British welfare system is normally considered superior to the US’s, but in one respect – the treatment of those who have served in the armed forces – America leaves us way behind. Jonathan Foreman argues that the shoddy treatment of veterans is a political opportunity for Labour. When US veterans come back from the war in Afghanistan [Read more…]
Oscar and the Oppressors (Spectator Life 29 March 2014)
Hollywood loves a social conscience picture, but its own culture is more conservative than it looks As host Ellen DeGeneres joked at the Academy Awards, there were two outcomes that night: ‘Possibility number one: 12 Years a Slave wins Best Picture. And possibility two: you’re all racists.’ There is little question that 12 Years a Slave is a well-made, [Read more…]